Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Worlds Biggest Criminal (Osama bin Laden) Essay

The Worlds Biggest Criminal (Osama bin Laden) - Essay Example The reason why Osama bin Laden was hailed as an international criminal and terrorist was because he had been involved in setting up the banned outfits Al-Qaeda and the attached wing Taliban. What these groups brought to the fore was massive killing of people all around the globe (Searcey 2011). Their number one priority was to make sure that the so-called Muslim preaching was made significant yet they conducted their own attacks, all in the name of the religion of Islam. Osama bin Laden, along with his close aides was able to gather a great amount of hate all over the world for these activities. I am of the view that once Osama bin Laden was caught, he should not have been killed since he was unarmed. As he has slaughtered thousands of people worldwide, it would have been better had he been captured alive. If this was done, the number one criminal would have been taken to the United States where criminal proceedings shall have been held. But this was not to be, and Osama bin Laden wa s killed which essentially closed the chapter once and for all. Since he was required by the US government dead or alive, the US Navy SEALs only found it appropriate to kill him and then take his body forward. I do not think this served the purpose since his death did not teach people a lesson as his capturing alive would have. His conviction would have sent a totally unique message to all the criminals and terrorists all over the globe.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

How are game console interfaces assisting in creating an immersive Essay

How are game console interfaces assisting in creating an immersive gaming experience - Essay Example Games consoles are typically thought Ð ¾f as units that operate through a television or some other large, external screen or monitor. These units require an external power supply, thus severely limiting their portability. The games themselves are mounted on media that is inserted into the unit, such as a CD, DVD or cartridge, or in media such as a cassette, readable through a tape player. The console has a keyboard, sockets for joysticks or other games controllers, or both. Experimentation with current games console technology suggests that the PC is still, despite the considerable price disadvantage, a more realistic and usable device for serious, Network-based research. However, for beginners to the Internet who require only basic facilities, a games console with network access may prove a more fiscally viable option. As Ð ¾f September 2000, the one games console Ð ¾ffering online access possesses significant limitations in terms Ð ¾f browser functionality, and Ð ¾ffers no facilities for downloading files or data. While the computer gaming community is more interested in the speed and playability aspects Ð ¾f online gaming, it is the data and application storage and manipulation functionality Ð ¾f consoles that will need to be addressed, as well as data transfer capabilities, if such devices are to become a serious electronic library accessing option for the academic and research communities. Furthermore, the PC, with the Apple Macintosh a distant second, has a firm hold within the library, educational and other sectors as the system Ð ¾f preference for accessing the Internet. This is due to a combination Ð ¾f familiarity, longevity, educational sales discounts leading to PC prices being substantially cheaper than if bought by members Ð ¾f the public, and the absense Ð ¾f an alternative.